Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Why Blog?

Friends, Family, and random strangers online,

First off, I thought I would answer the question: why am I blogging? There are actually two answers to that question...

1) Andrew and I just moved to Guatemala City to teach math at an international school called Colegio Maya! It is the biggest adventure of our lives so far, and I think that blogging would be a great way to capture the experience, reflect on it, and savor it for years to come.

2) When I started working at Northbrook High School two years ago, my friends & colleagues (Connie, Claydon, and Andrew) introduced me to the wonderful world of the MTBoS (Math Twitter Blogosphere). For the past two years, I have been inspired by the blogs of math teachers online around the world, I have even been fortunate enough to meet them in person at TMC, and now I feel I am "grown-up enough" to contribute my own blog. I hope that by writing down my thoughts, ideas, and experiences in the classroom, I will not only (hopefully) inspire someone else but also be able to see my own progression as a teacher as I improve over time.

So, I would like to thank you ahead of time for reading my blog. It means a lot to me, really.
In the future, I hope to fill my blogs with more pictures, but right now this is what I have... enjoy!

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